Stress free winter activities for you baby

You are so madly in love with this tiny human snuggled in your arms. You are also deeply overwhelmed and lonely at the same time. Having a baby can make you insanely busy, render you sleepless and leave you craving for some structure and adult conversations. It's especially hard in the winters, because the cold and wet weather doesn’t leave very many options for us. A casual stroll in the park can cost you 15 minutes of prep time. Don’t fret, there’s still a lot of fun activities you can do with your baby in winters.
I am listing down things that helped me when I had my babies, hoping this will help you too and add some fun in your mundane.

Find rhythm
As crazy as it sounds right now, both you and baby will thrive on a routine. Now I am not suggesting you sketch a timetable in stone and follow it to the T. But have a natural flow to your day and do similar things at the same time. You will notice, your baby will come to identify the rhythm pretty quickly and will be more than happy to follow it. It will also give you something to look forward to. Like for me, it was our stroll in the park.

At home activities
We carved out some activities for us which kept us both busy and happy. Reading is one of my favorite pastimes and my baby came to enjoy it too. You don't have to restrict yourself to baby books. I used to read my magazines with them, showed them pretty pictures and sometimes let them crumble my old magazines a little bit. Painting was another one of our favorite activities. I still have our painting books with us, it's such a beautiful keepsake.

Baby’s day out
If you spot Sun, don’t waste another minute and head out for a baby’s day out in the Sun. I can’t stress enough on what a mood lifter even a simple walk in the Sun is. And if your baby is a little older, they would love the swings in the park and all those new noises and smells. And who knows, maybe you will find a fellow mom BFF too! Believe it or not, after kids, their friends’ parents are your only(most of the time) friends.

Take it slow
I know all the perfect social media feeds of baby activities and the Pinterest boards tell us how important it is to engage our babies in some fun and meaningful activities. But don't let those boards take you for a guilt ride! As important as it is for a baby to engage in activities, it's equally important for you to feel relaxed and well rested. And we all know how much sleep we get in the first few months of our baby's life. So if some days you want to just lounge around and watch the rain falling on your window pane, by all means, please watch the rain and just breathe. Happy moms have happy babies.

Preserve these baby memories forever!
You have heard this a hundred times already, I will say it hundred and one times, these days are gone too fast! That peacefully resting baby in your arms, will soon be a toddler and will not have one minute to spare to give you a kiss. So preserve these beautiful newborn memories forever. Snap pictures, selfies, document this beautiful life you have created. And when you are ready, arrange for a professional Newborn Photoshoot. You deserve to create these beautiful keepsakes for your baby. Your baby deserves it too.
Want to know what happens at a Newborn Photoshoot? Check this out.
A Newborn Photoshoot is the perfect way to preserve these beautiful memories forever!
Beautiful Stories Photography
Maternity, Newborn and Family Photography
by Heena Mukhi
Your love is deep and timeless, your photos should be too!
Beautiful, emotive and authentic photography for fun loving, bear hugging, deeply connected families in San Francisco Bay Area
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