Bonding with Your Newborn in Winter: Tips and Tricks for Cozy Cuddles
You’ve brought home your precious bundle of joy and suddenly everything in the world revolves around them. All the hours in the day seem to merge into this one huge blob and suddenly you have all these hours but still no time at all at your hand.
While you are getting a hang on this new way of life, let me share some tips on how to bond with your newborn in these cold months of winter.

Newborn snuggles all day long
There’s nothing quite heart warming than the newborn snuggles!
I remember as a new mom, I loved nothing more than snuggling my baby and taking in all that newborn smells.
It is definitely an antidote for sleepless nights and bone tiring mornings, isn’t it?
Read to your baby
I know it may sound silly, but I have been reading to my little ones since they were little babies.
Of course they don’t understand much, but it's your soothing and calming voice that they absolutely love.
Talk to your baby, read to them or sing them melodious lullabies, sure to calm that little bundle of joy of yours!

Massage your little munchkin
One of my fondest memories is of my husband massaging the little ones.
The comfort of familiar touch and the warmth of lotion is soothing to little babies.
Sure there are some little ones that do not like a massage and will cry their way through it, but for most others, massage is a calming ritual that they absolutely love.
And the best part? It will help with any gas the little tummies might develop.
Create a calming bath time ritual
Transform bath time into a spa experience for both of you. Fill the tub with warm water, add some relaxing essential oils (safe for babies, of course!), and gently cleanse your baby. The warm water will soothe your baby, and the gentle massage will promote relaxation and bonding.

Embrace this slow life
I know, first hand, how our lives can flip after having babies.
While your old lives were spontaneous and fun, this new way of living is beautiful in a whole different way!Take your time to recover and bond with your little one.
Take slow walks, snuggle for an afternoon nap or enjoy a quiet evening at the park. Do what your heart desires and enjoy this beautiful time.
Capture this beautiful stage in your life and get a Newborn Photoshoot
I am sure you have heard this plenty of time, but I’ll say this again-
The days are long but the years are short! In a span of one year your tiny little newborn will be an energetic toddler and you will find yourself missing all these newborn snuggles.
Get yourself and your baby a Newborn Photoshoot, capture this beautiful newborn stage and all the love you feel for this tiny little human.
After all, they do grow up so fast!
Here's to a beautiful winter filled with love, connection, and precious memories with your newborn!