What I learnt photographing kids from my daughters Soccer Club, All Stars United, Saratoga
Recently I got to photograph my daughter’s Soccer Club, All Stars United, Saratoga. I had kids as young as 6 years old and it was so endearing to see how much confidence these little girls had.

I had seen their practice sessions and games plenty of times before, but this time, when I looked at them through my lens something shifted in me!

Instead of little girls I saw players who were serious about their game. When I asked them what position they played, they all had stories to tell about their positions in the game and why they loved it so much. They were not shy anymore, they knew what they were talking about. They talked up their teammates and cheered on them when it was their turn to get photographed.
The shyest of the kid was beaming with pride because her team had her back. And the most fun of all was the group picture.
Their energy was contagious.
They cheered each other and their coach, they shouted their team slogan and hugged their teammates.
There was not one dull moment.

Play like a Girl!
At that moment I thought, what if we all could be like these little girls, lifting each other up and having our friends’ and teammates’ back. What a beautiful world it will be! If we could all just Play Like a Girl!
I came home that night with a sore back and tired feet but with a heart beaming with pride and joy. I don't know if my daughter will forever have such amazing friends and teammates, but I am so glad she knows what true support looks and feels like.
Check out our Favorite Bay Area Soccer Club here: All Stars United, Saratoga.