PS: I am not allowed to tell it was his 40th ;-)

So my husband put this picture on Instagram, of him standing in the middle of an empty movie hall with the entire screen lit with “Happy Birthday Vicky”.
Everyone on the internet including our friends and family went bonkers! Messages poured in wishing him happy birthday, also reminding him how lucky he is to have a wife who rented an entire movie theater to celebrate his 40th birthday!
Only, I did not rent the movie theater at all! Here’s what happened:
Now let me start by telling you we are your normal-boring-non-fun-parents who do not go all in on Birthdays, even if it's big’ol 40!
Our kids have taken over lives! Seriously! On the morning of my husband’s birthday my 2 year old decided to declare to us and to anyone else who called to wish that it was actually “his birthday!”. “Eee no daddy birthday… eee my birthday”
Anyways, my brother was visiting us so we decided to take a day off and do something fun! Our definition of fun is pretty facile too “lunch at a Thai restaurant followed by a movie”.
Now my husband is a movie buff, he can actually watch anything and everything under the sun! Foreign language without subtitles? Totally up his alley!
And if you know me, I am the opposite of movie-buff or screen/show/game/sports-buff, you get the point! Match made in heaven, isn’t it?
But his birthday, not mine!
So at lunch I got myself a tall glass of Mango Island(absolute heaven!), to help sit through a loud-overly-drammatic-action-bollywood movie(cue eye roll!)
Now it's Tuesday afternoon, so we obviously have the entire movie hall to ourselves! We get in and joke about how I have rented this place for Vicky’s birthday. He stands in the middle of the theater and asks me to take a picture.
And then the magic happens! While I am clicking a picture, the screen turns blue, there is a gift box there, there is party music and the words “Happy Birthday” flash on the screen! I completely lose my mind and start clicking frantically laughing the entire time(hello! Mango Island)
Vicky turns around and is completely shocked and filled with awe!
The video eventually rolls over, it was a commercial of some sort, through our laughing fits and flying popcorn we could not comprehend what the commercial was all about.
But for us, in that moment, the video was for us!
I am so glad we have a picture with us to remind us of that fun filled afternoon, the amazing company and the serendipity that is life!
I already know what I am going to give him on his 41st birthday… a print of this very picture!
We go through life’s happy, joyous, overwhelmed-with-love-and-gratitude moments that sometimes change our lives. And then, we forget about them! Photographs are, however, our tickets to the good-ol-time! A reminder that this beautiful life happened and we witnessed it in flesh and blood!