How Southwest Airline changed the way we would ever travel.

I woke up to the happy shrieks of my children on Christmas morning. We were flying to Hawaii! A trip we had booked and cancelled twice before. This was our third time trying to get to heaven on earth.
The happy shrieks soon changed to disappointed mummers when dear husband announced our flight was an hour late. "It's not too bad I consoled". But little did know....
Soon began the never ending tragedy that is the Southwest airlines! After 6 hours waiting at home, another 5 at the airport, I drove very disappointed 3 kids home! Our flight got cancelled after we were already queueing at the gate to get in! Our plane was ready, our bags were on board, our pilot was in but the crew was missing!!
Vicky decided to stay back at the airport to try to rebook us on the next flight to Honolulu. And so did another 500 people.
I tucked my sad little kids in bed. Handed over the fort to my sister ( thank goodness she was here) and drove to the airport to support my husband who was still at the airport 4 hours after our flight was cancelled! At home I had checked every permutation combination to get the HNL from SF Bay area. Nothing was available!
Now the twist in the story! My brother was supposed to fly to Hawaii from Denver, which was snowed in from the winter storm! We were worried about his travels. Little did we know, United airlines pulled it through from the snow and freezing temperatures and got him to Hawaii on time!! Here we were stranded in sunny California admits very emotional fellow passengers and my brother was sending pictures of "beach view" from his hotel room!!! Karma(read my brother) is a bitch!
And now for our Christmas miracle, my husband, quite literally, pulled a bunny out of a hat! While he was waiting in line to rebook flights, he kept looking for tickets from SF to HNL.
And just like a miracle, 6 tickets became available at the 5th hour of him standing in the line!
At 10pm We both drove home tried, exhausted but so very happy for the kids! We told them in the morning we are going to try one more time to get on a flight to Honolulu.
I type this with my baby sleeping in my arms and Kiara happily sipping her juice on our flight to Honolulu!!
Albeit an expensive one, this is our Christmas Miracle!